Further time was wasted because of lack of access to a computer. Some of the delay in getting this done was due to waiting for more information, and some amount of procrastination. Here’s the NATIONAL info that has accumulated so far. Here is Ed Sprankle's introductory letter for the first National rollography report: The keen foresight by these key people is honored herewith by recognizing them for their effort, and for being the foundational basis of this National Automatic Piano rollography, with this author contributing another little bit by providing a modern database platform to further the efforts of the founding fathers. Nevertheless, through sheer persistence the completed rollography report finally emerged. There were many delays in getting the report completed. These men worked together on the project as friends, with no one officially in charge, but Ed Sprankle took the lead in making up the actual rollography report.

John Perschbacher continues to be active in his happy pursuit of mechanical music artifacts, music rolls, and coin pianos.

The whereabouts of Claude Garibotti are unknown, other than he at one time had a sizable collection of National music rolls. Burkhardt, Mike Montgomery, Charlie Smallwood, and Ed Sprankle are known to be deceased.

As of this writing (September, 2018), Willard E. Burkhardt, Claude Garibotti, Mike Montgomery, John Perschbacher, and Charlie Smallwood. This National Automatic Piano rollography project began circa 1984, which by October of 1985 had progressed to the place whereby the late Ed Sprankle produced an 11 page rollography report that listed the following contributors: Willard E.